About Me

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I am a person who loves people, and I try to draw inspiration and find the beauty in everything. I am motivated and passionate about the things I do. I have wonderful people in my life. I have lots of ideas that I don't always know how to make a reality. But that's alright- life's a start.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Christmas Wishlist Begins.....

 Best powder I've ever used, and I'm running low. 

 (I already have these, but they're broken, so really I just want them fixed!)
Aren't these moccasins adorable?!?!?!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Black, Red, and Bows

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!

Millie is all ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow!

I had my wisdom teeth removed last Friday in the hopes of being completely healed by the big Turkey Day tomorrow....
Alas, it looks like I will be making my dining selections from mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, mushy casseroles, and all things soft and delicious. That's kind of okay with me, because when we have Thanksgiving, there are usually too many good things to choose from anyway! We really do it up at our house.
What's your favorite part/ tradition of Thanksgiving?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Want, Want, WANT!

Good thing my birthday is coming up..... this is only my Shopruche wishlist as of TODAY......