About Me

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I am a person who loves people, and I try to draw inspiration and find the beauty in everything. I am motivated and passionate about the things I do. I have wonderful people in my life. I have lots of ideas that I don't always know how to make a reality. But that's alright- life's a start.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Isn't music supposed to go IN your ears?

So, I always thought music was supposed to go INTO your ears... you know, when you listen to it. Lately, I have so much going on musically in my life that I feel like I now have music coming OUT OF my ears! It's craziness. Let me give you the scoop.
I teach elementary school music Monday through Friday, so during the day I'm listening to, singing, and teaching songs like this: 

Every other Monday night I help out a good friend with a new Glee club, so Monday nights sound something like this (literally; we started with "Don't Stop Believin"):

Tuesday nights I have community chorus where we are in the process of learning some fantastic pieces, so Tuesday night sounds something like this:

This week I begin conducting at a local church.... I'm not sure what that will sound like yet.....

Last Friday night I went to an Eisley  concert, which was amazing! They were on tour for their most recent album, Valleyscapes, but they played a throwback called "I Wasn't Prepared" that was my absolute favorite part of the concert. Here's the video for that song (the one that all the members of the band prefer to the first one they shot):

So that's my life as of lately..... music, music, music! In my spare time I still somehow like to listen to artists such as:

Monday, September 5, 2011

Warm Me Up

La-la-la-Labor Day


I know today is Labor Day, not Thanksgiving, but I am taking today to really think about all that I have to be thankful for. This past week definitely had its rough points, but through it all I had the best man, friends and family to help get me through it all. I am so happy for what I have been given in this life.